Ozone Test for Rubber Procedure

This test is based on a standardized procedure. It may vary differently according to different industries and products. But the general steps in conducting an ozone test for rubber are:

  • Prepare the sample of rubber such as discs, and strips. The samples should be in a uniform state.
  • Place the rubber sample into the ozone test chamber which allows for controlled ozone exposure. Seal the chamber.
  • At a specific temperature and concentration, introduce the ozone gas into the test chamber. 
  • However, the duration may vary according to the product to be tested. Generally, it remains for some days to weeks.
  • After the set time, open the ozone chamber, remove the rubber sample and inspect it. Check for the signs of degradation.
  • Analyze the test results for determining the resistance of material to ozone degradation.

Importance of Ozone Test for Rubber

  • Assurance of quality: It can assure the quality of the products which helps the manufacturers and researchers in many ways.
  • Evaluation of performance: Rubber products are used widely in different materials, so it’s important to evaluate their performance under different conditions. However, the ozone test evaluates the performance of rubber materials.
  • Cost savings: This test is also cost-saving.
